Archon Green Dragons 1 and 2, approximately 3×4, watercolor on Arches 140# Two of my dragon doodles, done while at my artist alley table at Archon/Nasific in August. The size got away from me. They were intended to be ACEOs, but they got too big for their britches.

Who? Me?, 4″ x 6″ watercolor on Arches 140# I’m back! After an incredibily busy summer with back-to-back art shows, science fiction conventions, and work-related travel, I’m back in my studio and putting brush to paper. Feels good. Here’s a quick little painting, titled “Who? Me?”, inspired by a silly cat photo I found on the Internet. It’s 4″ x 6″ on Arches 140#. Looks like I need more practice with perspective. This painting is…

Red Peppers 1, 2, & 3, 4″ x 6″ watercolors on ArchesHere are three different approaches to painting part of a red bell pepper. Red Pepper 1 relies on the reds and yellows to create depth and shadow. Red Pepper 2 relies on the blues and purples for shadowing, but I think it feels “labored”. In Red Pepper 3, I stopped trying so hard and slapped paint where ever it “felt” right. And then I…