My Little Birdie Said... Detail of Art by Allison Stein 2020

Tweet Tweet 00:02 Guilty pleasure movie: Chronicles of Riddick — oh so bad, but oh so pretty… and what a cast! # 12:09 Busy morning at #soonercon started with kafeklatch, then Star Trek panel, then Draw a Monster for charity auction. Whew! Breaktime! # 15:09 It’s almost time for the #YardDogPress Travelling Roadshow! Come on down! # 22:12 Long day at #Soonercon! Keeping a low profile this evening, making new art and watching cable tv…

As usual, I’m a few days late (and almost always a dollar short)… but this is fantastic commentary about the fate of small press publishers in this scary-bad economy. It’s also a great plug for my publisher, Yard Dog Press. As people stop spending their money freely, sales decline.  When sales decline, stores take fewer purchasing risks.  For the small press, that can be deadly. Read more…

Just a reminder that through the end of December, you can buy any book from Yard Dog Press and get free postage. According to Selinda Rosen, the Top Dog in the Yard, “That means you go to the site, see the Yard price, and that’s what you pay — no postage expense. Of course this means you can’t use the shopping carts, but it’s as simple as e-mailing your order to Lynn and paying with…