A Week In The Life, Day 1…

Borrowing an idea from my friend

, thus begins “A Week in The Life Of Allison”… Volume 1. The challenge is to record 6 to 8 photos throughout the day, and post them the same evening. Not exactly sure I can keep it up consistently for 7 days, but I’m gonna give it a shot. Here goes… 

Day 1 9:38 am 
Day 1 9:38 am – My wakeup call included a cat, a wasp, and a ballpeen hammer….

Day 1 9:52 am
Day 1 9:52 am – My first cup of the day… the first of many….

Day 1 10:14 am
Day 1 10:14 am – Hanging with my peeps on a typical Saturday morning.

Day 1 10:38 am
Day 1 10:38 am – Gluten-free potato-corn muffins failed to achieve sufficient structural integrity.

Day 1 10:42 am
Day 1 10:42 am – Mr. Power Tool, aka my neighbor, going about his usual, noisy, Saturday morning business.

Day 1 1:40 pm
Day 1 1:40 pm – A clean desk is a sign of a sick mind aka working on the programming schedule for ConQuesT.

Day 1 2:51 pm
Day 1 2:51 pm – Yoga. Ooohhhmmm.

Day 1 9:08 pm
Day 1 9:08 pm – Self-portrait, in jammies with cat. Time for a glass of merlot and an episode of CSI. 

A busy day, but not a terribly exciting one. Not photographed was a potluck dinner with friends, more cat follies, and my sweetie.

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One thought on “A Week In The Life, Day 1…

  1. petrini1

    April 28, 2008 at 9:31pm

    Great photos! Especially the ones with the kitties.

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