A pair of cardinals has taken up residence in the shrubbery that surrounds my screen porch, much to the delight and frustration of the Trouble Twins. Both the cats and the birds make great sport of taunting each other through the screen. I think the term “catcall” applies. “Hey furry face, whaddya looking at? You want a piece of this? Heh? Well you can’t! Nana nana boo boo!” Mayhem and Mischief respond with a chitter that I’ve never heard a cat utter before, and which I suspect is a curse word in kittyspeak. Methinks it may be time to reinforce the screen…
Family Feud…

April 21, 2007 at 5:47pmThat’s fantastic! Yeah, making sure you have good, solid screens might be a good idea….
April 23, 2007 at 5:17pmDefinitely. We restapled it after the old FurBeast passed on. She had part of it torn out as her own personal kitty escape hatch. After watching M&M watch the birds, I noticed some new damage to the screen. I’m thinking of lining the inside of the porch with a sturdier wire mesh, or maybe some pre-fab trellis.