I have returned…

I’ve finally gathered my thoughts enough to post, following a busy busy ConQuesT and the busy busy post-holiday work zoo.

For those of you who were at ConQuesT — it was good to see you! For those of you who weren’t — you missed a friendly, laid-back literary con. Things seemed to go smoothly. Sold a lot of art. Saw a lot of friends. Enjoyed a few good parties. Signed a few books. Had a good time. See ya next year!

Meanwhile, back on the homefront, I’m trying to get a handle on the assorted piles o’ stuff I had left strewn about as I scurried to prepare for the con. A puddle of paintings here. A pile of mat board scraps there. A basket of laundry in the corner…. etc. Slowly but surely, I will dig myself out from under this mess.

On a personal note, I’m all peopled out, and I’ve had it up to “here” in general with the self-absorbed, the oblivious, and the whiney. And I do believe there will be a special place in hell for the idiots I’ve honked at in the vicinity of 110th and Metcalf in the past 72 hours — and for the government servants who granted them a driver’s license in the first place.


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One thought on “I have returned…

  1. seantaclaus

    June 2, 2006 at 5:24am

    You know, though I’ve only interacted with you a handful of times over the years we’ve attended the same cons (of which there have been many), I thought I’d share an observation– this weekend is the first time in a while that I can recall seeing you truly relaxed. This was good to see. Thank you for gracing us with your presence at the Hospitality Bar for a bit. Drama(TM)-Free visitors are always welcome.

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    • Author


      June 2, 2006 at 12:13pm

      Thanks. It was good to see you too. Maybe it was the fact that I wasn’t working (and/or ill) during the con for the first time in years, or maybe it was just a laid-back con.

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  2. klingonguy

    June 2, 2006 at 11:57am

    I’ve had it up to “here” in general with the self-absorbed, the oblivious, and the whiney.

    Uhoh, three strikes and I’m out.

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    • Author


      June 2, 2006 at 12:15pm

      Oh, no no darlin’. Self-absorbed? Perhaps. Whiney? Sometimes. Oblivious? Never.

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  3. dragonet2

    June 2, 2006 at 2:41pm

    I’m with you

    on being peopled out. We had Mitch and Cathie, and Parris come over after the con on Monday, went to a late lunch at Ghengis Khan, then I kinda turned into a hermit. (M & C stayed the night and then went on to Denver to visit her grandchittlins, Parris had a 7 p.m. flight to catch back to Albuquerque, then drive to Santa Fe.)

    As for 110th and Metcalf, I am soooo glad I don’t have to go quite that far, traffic is a lot calmer on this side than the other (for those who don’t know, I work just east of Metcalf off of College). I’ve been coming in on Gillham/Rockhill/Holmes, then 103rd St. to Lamar, then 112th to my building’s parking lot. Which oddly enough takes less time than getting up on 435.

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    • Author


      June 3, 2006 at 3:15pm

      Re: I’m with you

      Yeah, I’m kinda trapped over there during the day. Construction to the east, construction to the west, no escape to the north…. that leaves College Boulevard and retail hell to the south. Ack.

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