I’ve been up to my ears in chaos, so I haven’t posted recently.
– I miss the furry wench and I’m still cleaning hairballs out from under the furniture, but I sense that her spirit still lurks here.
– Work is … interesting … I like the work and the company, but the process needs a little improvement….
– Finished a 10-week watercolor class. Learned a lot, but haven’t had time to apply it properly.
– ConQuesT is about five weeks away. I’m having the usual difficulties with flyer distribution (how hard is it, really, for a committee member to download a file, print out a copy or two, and tack them to a bulletin board somewhere in their daily travels? Honestly.)
– The ConQuesT time factor plays into my need to prepare art for the art show. May will be a busy busy month.
– It looks like this will be the year I spend all my travel budget and vacation time on family. Mom has planned a fancy to-do in June for Sister No. 3 to cover the wedding reception/baby shower obligations. Sister No. 2 just can’t stand being the only single childless 20-something cousin anymore, so she’s getting married in August. And Sister No. 1 reminds me that her children haven’t seen me in almost two years, so I had best attend both gatherings. And there’s just no easy way to get from Kansas City to Buckhannon, West Virginia.
– Have you ever had a spasm in the muscle that moves the eye from side to side? It’s… odd … in a painful, stabbing sort of way. It’s the stuff ethnic curses are made of….
Up to my ears….