Can’t… Breathe…

Can’t breathe. Is it stress, or is it the crappy air quality we’ve been having in KC for the past few days? I suspect both…. now, where did I put my inhaler? …


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One thought on “Can’t… Breathe…

  1. jeanerj

    August 15, 2007 at 7:11pm

    Oh, that must be awful.
    Due to the massive forest fires in Idaho and Montana, we’ve been getting huge amounts of haze and smokey odors everywhere. The sunsets are sure pretty, though. Maybe the jet stream is blowing some of that way over towards you.

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    • mckitterick

      August 15, 2007 at 11:05pm

      Yeah, that certainly can’t help with the already high ozone in the city due to the heat. Tomorrow is supposed to be an “orange alert” for air quality.

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      • Author


        August 16, 2007 at 2:33pm

        Yeah, the ozone seems to be the problem. I don’t mind the heat so much.

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    • Author


      August 16, 2007 at 2:31pm

      I don’t think that’s the problem. We’re just stuck in an uncomfortable place and the front doesn’t want to move. We’ve been under heat advisory for about 12 days now, and over 100 degrees most of that time, and with ozone alerts most days. We just need a really good rainstorm to wash the crap out of the air. (PS hope you’re well!)

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  2. dragonet2

    August 15, 2007 at 7:42pm

    Margene is having the same problems

    Says that its a tie between the high heat and volume of particulates in the air.

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    • Author


      August 16, 2007 at 2:32pm

      Re: Margene is having the same problems

      I’ve been having problems on the ozone alert days. Blech. Need rain.

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  3. kalimeg

    August 15, 2007 at 8:44pm

    I’ve felt the need for an inhaler with very little in the way of walking around. Hope it gets better for you soon.

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  4. dragonet2

    August 16, 2007 at 3:26am

    And Miss Angelina

    is coughing a bit more than her usual amount. I expect that her first 10 years of living with a smoker, she may have a little pulmonary difficulty. (no, she doesn’t do it much, but it’s more frequent on these hot days because I’m sure the window units don’t filter air anywhere close to whole-house A/C does. And the middle/inner city is more particulate prone than where we work in the ‘burbs.

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    • Author


      August 16, 2007 at 2:36pm

      Re: And Miss Angelina

      Actually, I notice it most over here near the office. Maybe it takes a few minutes to kick in after I leave the house, but it hits me at I-435 & Metcalf every morning and sticks around until after I’ve been at home for a while.

      I read that the ozone triggers inflammation in the lungs, and that it sometimes takes a day or two to reach noticable levels in “sensitive individuals”. How many days has it been? The heatwave is in its 12th day, I think.

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