How does she DO that?!?

Sweetie informs me that Mischief has dismantled (note: DISMANTLED, not smashed) the Lego tableaux of Frodo at the Brandywine Dock that sits on the fireplace mantle in the Man Cave. (BTW, we checked. She does NOT have thumbs.)

We’ve discovered Lego pieces under rugs and in laundry baskets. Sweetie caught Mischief in the act of fetching another piece of the Lego dock from the wreckage and stashing it under the Man Cave rug. The Nazgul, it should be noted, remains undisturbed. Frodo, however, is still MIA but until proven otherwise, we believe Frodo Lives!


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One thought on “How does she DO that?!?

  1. kalimeg

    November 10, 2006 at 5:35am


    She has a special pouch into which she tucks the opposable thumb when you are looking. Really.

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