What day is it, anyway?

The trip to Philly went well, and we truly enjoyed attending klingonguy‘s fabulous wedding. He and his lovely bride were both giddy in love and glowing throughout the event. Ah! The food! Marvelous! All of the NobleFusion Eastern Court were in attendance, and it was good to see them all.

We especially enjoyed seeing Barb and her family — including the rottweiler who thinks he’s a pug, and the pug who thinks she’s a rottweiler. The horse farm is both huge and historic. Only two horses are in residence at the moment, and both are charming. No, I didn’t get on one. (Wine and large animals don’t mix well.)

US Air actually held up their end of the bargain and got us there and back on time, although we almost missed the return flight because of long lines at the security checkpoint in Philly. (Most folks don’t realize how good we’ve got it in Kansas City. One checkpoint here serves three or four gates. One checkpoint in Philly serves three or four CONCOURSES.)

I’ve spent most of the week trying to remember what day it is, but I think I’ve finally gotten a grip on it. Meanwhile, the transition continues at work, and I continue to wonder exactly what the future has in store…


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