I, robot!

How sad is it that a geek girl like me is just now getting round to buying a robot, now that they have become such commodities that you can buy them in a discount store?

Anyway, I bought a Roomba vacuumbot at Costco last week. So far, I’ve tested its capabilities in three environments: fully carpeted, hardwood and area rug combo, and the dreaded linoleum-and-area-rug, dust-bunny sanctuary that is the man-cave in the basement. The little guy works like a champ in all three, but the man-cave nearly got the best of him. I turned him loose twice down there. The first time, he gave up and beeped pitifully at me to empty his dust bin. The second time, he drained his batteries in the battle against the evil dust bunnies. Poor little robot!

The Trouble Twins are intrigued, but cautious. When the robot moves away from them, they stalk it. When the robot advances toward them, they jump back. You should see what they do when the robot executes the following manuever: advance, recede, stop and spin, then advance. It’s a riot.

I like my vacuumbot. Someday, I will possess the true Universal Remote and have a fleet of service droids to do my bidding….


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One thought on “I, robot!

  1. kosaginolegion

    October 17, 2006 at 2:30pm

    Personally, I want http://www.chibi-robo.com/. He’s not only hard working but he’s every so cute.

    But I’m close to settling for a roomba right now. *glares at dining room floor.* *is amazed at how much food drops out of small children’s mouths.*

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    • Author


      October 17, 2006 at 8:08pm

      He’s cute! (As for random kid-droppings…. my family had a dog for just that purpose…)

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  2. kalimeg

    October 17, 2006 at 2:37pm

    I have considered a Roomba, too, just because I am so stinkin lazy I never vacuum under beds. I think it is supposed to have some sort of keep-away spell so it doesn’t tumble down stairs.

    I’ll have to think about this.

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    • Author


      October 17, 2006 at 8:03pm

      I tread the fine line between too fatigued to vacuum regularly and gotta vacuum more often because of my allergies/asthma. I figured the vacuumbot would be a nice compromise. I still have to pick up the flotsam and jetsam of my life and tuck away the obstacles before I can let the little sucker loose, tho.

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  3. doubt72

    October 17, 2006 at 2:56pm

    Hmmm. I have not yet purchased a robot.

    How much do Roombas cost?

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  4. smartchick76

    October 17, 2006 at 2:58pm

    a hearty and maniacal ‘bwah ha hahaha’ at the end of your post would have been amusing…my brain added it for you…

    on another note…one reason for having children is to have them clean house, generally be our lackeys…hasn’t worked for us tho…

    oh bother.

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    • Author


      October 17, 2006 at 8:04pm

      You know, I was having trouble spelling “bwah ha hahaha” so I skipped it. I suppose [cue maniacal laughter] might have done the trick.

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  5. tapestry01

    October 17, 2006 at 3:00pm

    Just don’t let it uplink to Skynet, or it’ll go on a rampage searching for Sarah Connor…

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    • Author


      October 17, 2006 at 8:07pm

      I was on an Archon panel about technological singularity (why they picked me, I don’t know) and posed the question to our friend Tom M.: “Should I be worried about what my robot vacuum cleaner is up to if I leave my computer on and connected to the Internet all day?” Perhaps the answer is “yes”…

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  6. dragonet2

    October 17, 2006 at 9:07pm

    I want one BUT

    I can see the World’s Dumbest Cat(tm) getting her tail in it or trying to kill it. She IS a hunter after all. I’d love it on the 2nd floor, it would be a help.

    One of these days.

    but don’t leave the Internet on or you might find robop!rn on your computer….

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    • Author


      October 18, 2006 at 3:58am

      Re: I want one BUT

      The vacuumbot supposedly has safety features for that kind of thing. Then again, if you truly have the WDC(tm), all bets are off.

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