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  • 12:54 Epidemic of “Driving While Stupid” today in Overland Park KS. Would you people just hang up the dang phone and watch where you’re going? #


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One thought on “Tweet Tweet…

  1. tmc4242

    June 20, 2009 at 5:12am

    It was the same here in Dallas today. Worse than a usual friday even.

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  2. dragonet2

    June 20, 2009 at 6:26am

    That was all around today, dear

    I ran into it on my way to John’s (just 8 blocks and change, his house is about the same latitude on his block on Wyandotte as mine is on Cherry, though on opposite side of street). Guy was talking on phone and did not realize Main’s light was red red red and just drove south.

    Then when I did bank and shopping, same kind of crap. And then on to Knucklehead’s for music tonight, same shit, different direction.

    AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. A girlfriend used to have a little flapper sign that you could turn it to the annoyance, give a horn toot and hold it up at window level.closeness. I want a “Get the F-k off the f-king phone and drive!” sign.

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  3. fireflylive

    June 20, 2009 at 11:41am

    The planet seems to be afflicted with such persons. Actute outbreak of ‘driving while stupid’ here in the UK too.

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