Archon Orange Dragons 1 and 2, approximately 3×4, watercolor on Arches 140# Here are two more dragons, doodled while at my artist alley table at Archon/Nasfic in August. If I do this again next year, I really need to bring a lamp. The hallway was dark, and I had trouble seeing what I was doing. Thus, these little guys are a bit gnarly and awkward.

Archon Green Dragons 1 and 2, approximately 3×4, watercolor on Arches 140# Two of my dragon doodles, done while at my artist alley table at Archon/Nasific in August. The size got away from me. They were intended to be ACEOs, but they got too big for their britches.

Penciled Peppers 1, 4×6, watercolor pencil on Canson 140# Penciled Peppers 2 and 3, 2.5 x 3.5 (ACEO), watercolor pencil on Canson 140# I stumbled on a great deal at the outlet store — a set of 24 Derwent watercolor pencils for a pittance. Here is a 4×6 pencil painting of three peppers, drawn from life. (And they were tasty, too.) I also did two small ACEO-sized pencil paintings of the peppers, from different angles.…